Holiday Food Dangers for Dogs and Cats

During the holiday season we are always filled with joy and good food. However, holiday treats may hide some potential dangers for our beloved dogs and cats. Let’s take a look at the foods we need to be aware of during the holidays that may be harmful to our pets.

Chocolate is a popular dessert during the holidays, but the theobromine in chocolate is toxic to dogs and cats. It can cause abnormal function of your pet's central nervous system and may even cause heart problems. Therefore, make sure to store chocolate out of reach of pets to prevent them from eating it.

While giving your dog some bones may seem like a source of joy, certain types of bones can pose a threat to them. Chicken or fish bones can easily break into sharp fragments that can cause digestive problems or oral injuries in your pet. Your best bet is to offer specially designed pet bones or opt for boneless meat as a special holiday treat.

grapes and raisins
During the holidays, grapes and raisins are often used in baking and cooking. However, these foods are toxic to dogs and cats and may cause kidney function problems even in small amounts. Make sure your pet stays away from foods containing grape ingredients to prevent potential dangers.

onions and garlic
Onions and garlic are common condiments, but they cause damage to your pet’s red blood cells and may cause anemia. The effects of these ingredients are more pronounced in dogs than in cats. So when preparing food, make sure not to add these condiments to your pet's meals.

Alcohol is widely used in holiday celebrations but can be extremely dangerous for pets. Even small amounts of alcohol can cause depression of the central nervous system, causing breathing difficulties or even intoxication. Keep pets away from any drinks that contain alcohol, and be aware of any alcohol left in discarded wine glasses.

As we celebrate the holidays, we want to make sure our pets are having a safe and enjoyable time, too. By avoiding giving them harmful foods, we can create a safe environment for our pets to share this special moment with us.

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